2006 Police Week activities
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So you want a website?  You can get the kid down the street to make it.!  You can get an Internet Website company to design it! (be prepared to open your wallet wide).   Or you can do it yourself?  Designing a website is not rocket science, but it does take time and patience.  Check out a humorous list of potential Web Design tips.  Here at www.Thriftywebsites.us we take a different approach.  We will help you with the setup and design of your  website and teach you how to keep it updated.  If you want to take the steps to becoming a web design guru that's up to you, however most individuals and small businesses want a functional website that they can update and add to as they have the time and the need to do so.  Do you already have a website and the web designer disappeared?  We can help you with that also.  Give us a call and we can discuss your options and prices.  At www.Thriftywebsites.us, we can help you build a respectable site, put it on the World Wide Web, teach you how to keep it updated and all for a price that should make you smile.  If you want us to maintain the site.  We can do that too.

Created and managed with Microsoft FrontPage

We use Microsoft FrontPage